A guest post from the Raffidy Dumitz Band
You remember us. You’ve seen us at Montol since 2015 and at Golowan, Redruth Wassail, Penryn Mock Mayor and othe Cornish events. Like Montol, we’re fully inclusive and all about participation – if you are able to get to Penzance on a Saturday, find us in the Star at 5 pm join in a couple of practices and if you like the feeling, come along as often as you like.
But at this time of year we have a request. Montol is all about participation and we love that so many of you join in. But although you don’t have to pass an audition to be in our band, we do practise regularly and ask that those of you who are not regulars at practice please respect the work our band members put in and think of their safety by not trying to join the procession among the band.
We will arrange ourselves at the front of the processions, and some bands we know will be right behind us. Please could we ask everyone else who wants to join in to walk behind these bands – we’d love to see you there, playing along with the tunes that you know. We’re looking forward to it!
The photo is by Kev Camidge. One of our band members a while ago suggested we try to reenact the scene in the Stanhope Forbes painting, “Christmas Eve”. So we did.
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