

Even out here we have running water, electricity (intermittently) and webby-nets but we couldn’t live without DPD and Evri.
The box was labelled, I knew what was inside, but I still stared at it for 10 minutes before opening it.
What if they were rubbish?
They weren’t.
Step one.
Breathe … move on.

We launched our 2024 Crowdfunder on Saturday morning.

Pitched everything right – donation suggestion, reward and target – we were pretty confident.
Crowdfunder has an amazing system that’s really easy to set up with lots of advice at every stage but they’re like a drug-dealer or a casino – the bastards give you a live feed of people’s pledges and comments –
We are only human.

So Saturday was wiped out – we watched, transfixed, as you guys hit the site.
I wasn’t expecting an email for each pledge but my mail program started to sound like Tom at the head of the parade – ding, ding, ding.

Suddenly on Sunday morning our “conversion” rate dropped from 100% to 33%. I had a twinge of doubt – something was going wrong – we HAD made a mistake – and then noticed that Crowdfunder had put us at the top of their home page – I suppose normal people across the country went: Montol? Fire? What’s that all about?

I was planning to write this post some time later this week – no hurry I thought.

But by Sunday morning we were just over half way to our target and we smashed through it this morning!
Don’t really know what to say … other than thank you all so much.

There are still some badges left – quite a few of you just made donations … some of them very generous indeed.

But I am working on un petit cadeau (and yes, I did try to find the Cornish for that) to replace them – we still have 25 days to go.
We’ve extended the target by £500 to pay for the torches for Tas Nadelik’s Mock Parade down Chapel Street – they are so expensive but help create such a beautiful atmosphere.

OK. Seem to have totally misjudged that one.
Can you get something too right?

I’m always surprised by Montol.
But this has brought tears to my eyes.

The badges are all wrapped and in addressed envelopes but if any one would like to pick theirs up at the Gathering on Sunday 1st December at the Union, we could save on the postage.
Just send a private message.

And please – if you haven’t already – have a look at our Crowfunder page.

2 responses to “Crowdfunder”

  1. Thank you for this post and for this site, and thank you Penzance for the warm and genuine welcome I always receive when I visit. It’s a pleasure and a privilege to support Montol.

    1. You’re welcome.

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