So, what is the Gathering?
For Montol, traditionally groups of friends get together to help each other to make costumes and masks and devise their contribution to the Revels – songs, games, satire whatever you want.
On the 1st December we look forward to meeting you all – new guilds, old guilds, musicians, dancers and mummers, new peeps and old hands – so you can sign the Ancient Montol Ledger – a record stretching back into the mists of time (all the way back to 2023 in fact).
Join the Cornmarket Revellers, the ‘Gyptians, Raffidy Dumitz Band, the Physicians, the Turks, the Peccadilloes, the Scaleybacks, the Frolicking Fishy Folk, the Radical Ramblers, the Coddiwomplers, the Hwymm Hwamm Hyggas, the Hedgerows, the Tatty Mummers and the Sticklers – registered in The Ledger
Montol is all about taking part, dressing up, disguising yourself, dancing and singing.
And we will be offering workshops, in traditional dancing, costume, mask-making and Cornish bunches in December, to help you on your way.
Together we help make it the magical happening that it is.
Remember – everyone is welcome – even if you aren’t registering a guild or group – come along anyway – there will be mischief, merriment and music, gossip and news and, possibly, Mahogany!
Come to The Gathering – where you can be recruited or recruit … or just come along and scope us out.
Sunday 1st December – 7.30 onwards
upstairs at The Union Hotel
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